A One Mann’s Movies review of “Moonage Daydream” (2022).
A bit behind on writing up some of my BAFTA related films. But “Moonage Daydream” by Brett Morgen was up for the Best Documentary category. In the event, it didn’t win, losing to “Navalny” – annoyingly, one of only three of the BAFTA feature films that I didn’t get to watch!
Bob the Movie Man Rating:

Plot Summary:
A kalaidoscopic walk through the career of the late David Bowie.
UK: 15; US: PG-13. (From the BBFC: “Brief strong sex”)
Starring: David Bowie.
Directed by: Brett Morgen.
Written by: Brett Morgen.
Twitter Handle: #MoonageMov.

Some of the mind-bending graphics within the film. (Source: Universal Pictures International)
“Moonage Daydream” Review:
- The film contains some truly mid-expanding sequences, flashing image after image onto the screen. Some of these are from newsreel footage and some from classic films (including one referencing the “strong sex” that the BBFC certificate references). These must have taken AN AGE to collate, get rights clearance for and edit into the finished film, so I was impressed at that.
- The film ably reflects what an artistic talent Bowie was, not only in his thoughtful prose and philosophy but also in his artwork, films (rather skimped over I thought) and his stage work (which was new to me).
- It was interesting to see some of Bowie’s interviews back in the 70’s and 80’s, with the likes of Russell Harty, and how appallingly crass the questioning of people with ‘alternative’ sexual persuasions was. Shades of the discrimination evident in the likes of “Blue Jean” (that I reviewed recently) and “Pride“.
- How can I put this without upsetting Bowie fans? Nope, not possible. So I’ll just say it. I was bored watching this. If it had been a tight 90 minutes, I could have warmed to it. But at 135 minutes, I’d had enough by the end. I’m sure I would feel COMPLETELY different about this if I was a die-hard David Bowie fan. But I’m afraid I’m not. I like and appreciate some of his music, but I was never hitched to that particular wagon.
Summary Thoughts on “Moonage Daydream”:
I can appreciate the artistry of both Bowie and Brett Morgen, the documentary maker, but as an overlong mind-bending kaleidoscope of Bowie this didn’t float my personal boat. But I can see as a Bowie fan why you might give this one 5 stars.
Trailer for “Moonage Daydream”:
The trailer is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c70ko07julc .
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