Don’t Worry Darling (15): Basically a remake of XXXXXX… but that would be a spoiler.
A One Mann’s Movies review of “Don’t Worry Darling” (2022). Like three of the last four movies I’ve reviewed, there’s a lot of furore about “Don’t Worry Darling”: Shia LaBeouf…
The Lost King (12): A delightfully quirky retelling of Richard the Third’s resting place.
A One Mann’s Movies review of “The Lost King” (2022). “The Lost King” is based on the true story of one woman’s personal quest to discover the burial place of…
Smile (18): The horror of destroying some simply smashing wine tumblers.
A One Mann’s Movies review of “Smile” (2022). I remember that one of the early horror films I saw with an “18” certificate (or actually “X” certificate in those days,…
The Woman King (15): “We Are Dahomey”.
A One Mann’s Movies review of “The Woman King” (2022). “The Woman King” seems to be getting a whole lot of flack on IMDB for sanitising the history of slavery,…
Ticket to Paradise (12): Without the Clooney and Roberts star power it would be dreadful.
A One Mann’s Movies review of “Ticket to Paradise” (2022). “Ticket to Paradise” was a trailer where The Illustrious Mrs Movie Man (TIMMM) immediately said “I’m in“. A new rom-com,…
Bodies Bodies Bodies (15): Gen-Z’s try to cancel each other.
A One Mann’s Movies review of “Bodies Bodies Bodies” (2022). “Bodies Bodies Bodies” was a teen-slasher flick that I’d seen little positive written about. So I went in with particularly…
I Came By (15): A clever British thriller with some dark twists .
A One Mann’s Movies review of “I Came By” (2022). “I Came By”, currently showing on Netflix, is a pretty enjoyable dark thriller and well worth a watch. Bob the…
The Forgiven (18): Trilobite by Jury.
A One Mann’s Movies review of “The Forgiven” (2022). Given the run of generally dodgy films that have been coming out recently in this arse-end of the summer season, “The…
See How They Run (12): Like Leo Kopernick, it’s frustratingly lifeless.
A One Mann’s Movies review of “See How They Run” (2022). Being a big fan of “Knives Out“, I was looking forward to “See How They Run” as a comedy…
The Gray Man (15): “Just Another Thursday”.
A One Mann’s Movies review of “The Gray Man” (2022). I mean, obviously “The Gray Man” should be “The Grey Man”. I despair that we will ever teach our American…