Corsage (15): Forty Years Old and the Sky is Darkening.
A One Mann’s Movies review of “Corsage” (2022). The history of central Europe in the 19th century is utterly tortuous and I’ve never got to grips with it. In “Corsage”…
Empire of Light (15): A drama from the cinema days of AA, X and XXX.
A One Mann’s Movies review of “Empire of Light” (2023). My first film of 2023, and it’s a corker from Sam Mendes – – “Empire of Light”. The movie gets…
One Mann’s Movies: Top 10 of 2022
#onemannsmovies My personal choice of Top 10 Movies of 2022. Includes my 2022 movie montage of all films reviewed in the year.
I Wanna Dance With Somebody (12): A long film for a short life.
A One Mann’s Movies review of “I Wanna Dance With Somebody” (2022). My last film of 2022, “I Wanna Dance With Somebody” is the occasionally uplifting but ultimately sad story…
Enola Holmes 2 (12): The most interesting Moriaty since Andrew Scott.
A One Mann’s Movies review of “Enola Holmes 2” (2022). I quite enjoyed the first “Enola Holmes” film, giving it 3.5 stars. And I predicted it’s success would spawn a…
Strange World (PG): Make sure you watch it with your woke bingo-card handy.
A One Mann’s Movies review of “Strange World” (2022). Disney’s latest animated feature has been released with so little fanfair that it’s like it’s crept out through the cat-flap while…
Avatar: The Way of Water (12): Long and very wet.
A One Mann’s Movies review of “Avatar: The Way of Water” (2022). With a 13 year gap from the original “Avatar” and a reported $250M budget, James Cameron is taking…
Violent Night (15): The moral is, never man the security desk on Xmas Eve!
A One Mann’s Movies review of “Violent Night” (2022). The trailer for “Violent Night” painted a movie that was in the “so wrong, it might be right” category*. A Christmas…
Matilda The Musical (PG): “Bambinatum Est Maggitum”.
A One Mann’s Movies review of “Matilda The Musical” (2022). Whilst I’m sure I’ve seen the 1996 version of “Matilda”, featuring Mara Wilson and Danny DeVito, I don’t readily recall…
Spirited (12): A fun reworking of “A Christmas Carol” with two likeable stars.
A One Mann’s Movies review of “Spirited” (2022). For a few month’s now, I’ve been chuckling at the preview Tiktok videos for the festive musical “Spirited”, featuring Ryan Reynolds and…