Puzzled by some of Bob the Movie Man’s terminology? Here’s a helpful glossary!
BvS quotient: n Short for “Batman vs Superman quotient” this is the ratio of the budget of any film to the $250 million lavished on the superhero ‘effort’. I’m not implying its wrong that someone should spend more on a film than the GNP of Tonga. But I use this as a way of illustrating the number of quality lower budget films that could have been made instead. For example, you could make 10 films with a BvS quotient of 10% instead of “Batman vs Superman”.
A Fad: n Archaic. A unit of measure related to Film Quality. A 5 Fad film is truly awesome: a classic that will be (or should be) regarded as such for years. A 1 Fad film is truly dire and should be avoided at all costs. (Now replaced by a simpler 1 to 5 star system!)
A “Father Ted” film: adj . A film so depressingly sad or morbid that the only thing to do on getting home is to immediately put on an episode of “Father Ted”* to cheer yourself up. * Insert your own favourite TV comedy series (e.g. Seinfeld, Friends, Frasier, The Office, etc) here.
A Monkey: n An additional film clip tacked onto the film either mid-credit or (typically) at the end of the credits. Most notably in Marvel films. Named after the first time I noticed it during the original Pirates of the Caribbean where I made my children sit through the interminable credits to see it…. to cries of “It’s just a bloody monkey” and much ridicule ever since!
[…] One Mann Movies: Glossary […]
[…] One Mann Movies: Glossary […]
[…] One Mann Movies: Glossary […]
Hello Bob. I was wonde4ing if you’ve reviewed classics like shawshank redemption and war movies like the downfall, das boot etc. Good day to u sir
Hi Gupta – thanks for commenting sir. I’ve *mostly* only reviewed movies at the cinema (or in lockdown, via steaming) since 2013. The only exceptions are re-releases (like “Inception”) or occasional films movie marathon films events (like for Hitchcock’s “Rear Window”).
But love Shawshank, and some of my favourite war films are “The Longest Day”, “The Great Escape” and “The Battle of Britain” (since my dad was an RAF pilot in the war).
Thanks for reading and following the site. Stay safe. Bob.