A One Mann’s Movies review of “Wicked Little Letters” (2024).
It always gives me great joy to walk into a cinema screen and see that virtually every seat in the place is taken. A gasp-inducing joy! That’s what happened to me yesterday afternoon seeing “Wicked Little Letters”. This sweary but lovable tale is hitting a sweet spot with the ‘silver-dollar’ audience and I think word of mouth might mean that this spends quite a few weeks in the charts and does very well through its cinema run.
Bob the Movie Man Rating:

Plot Summary:
Based on a story that is “more true than you would think”, it’s Littlehampton in 1920 and God-fearing spinster Edith Swan (Olivia Colman) is receiving a storm of poison pen-letters. All the evidence points to the foul-mouthed single-mother Rose Gooding (Jessie Buckley) who lives next door. But will justice be served?
UK: 15; US: R. (From the BBFC web site: “Very strong language, strong sex references, controlling behaviour”).
Starring: Olivia Colman, Jessie Buckley, Timothy Spall, Anjana Vasan, Joanna Scanlan, Gemma Jones, Hugh Skinner, Eileen Atkins, Malachi Kirby, Lolly Adefope, Paul Chahidi, Alisha Weir, Jason Watkins.
Directed by: Thea Sharrock.
Written by: Jonny Sweet.
Twitter Handle: #WickedLittleLetters.
Running Time: 1h40m.

Informal detective trio Kate (Lolly Adefope), WPO Gladys Moss (Anjana Vasan) and egg-loving Ann (Joanna Scanlan). (Source: StudioCanal).
“Wicked Little Letters” Review:
- This is an comedy acting masterclass from an A+ ensemble of Britain’s finest actors: Olivia Colman, Jessie Buckley, Anjana Vasan, Joanna Scanlan, Gemma Jones, Hugh Skinner. All just terrific. But top for me in the acting stakes was Timothy Spall as a truly monstrous father figure that you just wished would get a frying pan around the ear at some point! Spall delivers a quietly menacing performance for such a gentle man (I met him while filming the BBC’s “The Sixth Commandment” and he was delightful). Also a shout-out to young Alisha (“Matilda“) Weir who adds another fine performance to her CV.
- As long as you are not prudish about the language, this is LOL funny stuff. In fact, it’s the language, being wrapped up into such bizarre “foxy-arsed” sentences, that makes it so hilarious. As I said above, I saw this alongside a literally packed screening and there was a lot of laughter. It smashed the ‘6-laughs’ test.
- The film tackles subjects of female subjugation and – ironically – through this, empowerment. A key character is ‘Woman Police Officer’ Gladys Moss (with the emphasis being on the ‘Woman’ bit). She was the first WPO in the town and the men are determined to not let her forget her place. It’s a tough role to deliver, but Anjana Vasan does it brilliantly.
- At a neat 100 minutes, it doesn’t outstay its welcome.
- Given this was based on a true story, I’d have liked a little more description about what the eventual life outcomes were for those in the plot. The illustrious Mrs Movie Man looked it up afterwards… but a bit more textual exposition at the end of the film would have been welcomed. (There’s actually a nice little write up of the case here.)
- Fact check…. would the judge in a high-profile trial in 1920 really be black?

A little bit naughty… but helped along by a mother’s love. Rose (Jessie Buckley) gives Nancy (Alisha Weir) a cuddle. (Source: StudioCanal).
Summary Thoughts on “Wicked Little Letters”
A British film that turns the air blue in a very funny way. Recommended.
Where to Watch it (Powered by Justwatch)
Trailer for “Wicked Little Letters”:
The trailer is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EofbpYnLj3E . Note that this is the Red Band trailer so beware of playing in work environments! Also, I’d like to donate an extra beer token to whoever chose to put this trailer together using Baccara’s 1977 stomper “Yes Sir, I Can Boogie”: simply superb in setting the tone.
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