A One Mann’s Movies review of “The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent” (2022).
Sometimes, when I get a downer on the state of cinema, I think to myself “are there no new ideas for films any more”. And then I go to see a film like “The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent” and my enthusiasm is reset again. What a blast I had with this film!
Bob the Movie Man Rating:

Plot Summary:
Nicolas Cage (Nicolas Cage), assisted by his friend Nicky (Nicolas Cage), is in the midst of a crisis of self-confidence. His career is going from ‘straight to video’ to ‘straight into the toilet’ as he attempts, and fails, to “get back” (“not that we ever went away”!) With mounting debts, he is forced into taking a million dollar gig in Minorca (actually Dubrovnik) to entertain the guests at the birthday party of millionaire Javi Gutierrez (Pedro Pascal). But the CIA also have an interest in Mr Guitierrez as he is implicated in the kidnap of a politician’s daughter.
(The rating is primarily for language, sex references and (comic) drug taking…. but I would say it is a “15-lite” if the rating is putting you off).
Starring: Nicolas Cage, Pedro Pascal, Sharon Horgan, Tiffany Haddish, Neil Patrick Harris, Paco León.
Directed by: Tom Gormican.
Written by: Tom Gormican and Kevin Etten.
Twitter Handles: #NickCageMovie.
“The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent” Review:

- What a novel concept for a movie! It relies on Nicolas Cage being self-aware and entirely self-deprecating and he absolutely pulls it off 100%, which I thoroughly respect. The contributions of “Nicky” (never overused and never underplayed!) are hilarious, and an argument between the two characters was, I thought, a piece of brilliant acting that I could deservedly put Cage into the frame for both Best Actor AND Best Supporting Actor!
- Much credit is due to the script by Mssrs Gormican and Etten which is continually inventive and surprising. The Academy often ignore lighter and fluffier scripts for awards consideration, but this one really puts the “Original” in “Original Screenplay” and deserves recognition in my book. It far and away surpasses the six-laughs test for a comedy. The movie also drops in a wide array of Nicolas Cage Easter Eggs, including references to his movies – “Con Air”, “The Rock”, “Croods 2”, “Captain Correlli’s Mandolin” (“underated” – Lol) as well as re-visions of scenes from other films (e.g. the pool scene from “Leaving Las Vegas”). I’m not a Cage officianado, but there’s probably a lot more in there.
- The supporting cast also do a great job with Pedro Pascal showing a fine hand at comedy as the uber-fan; Sharon Horgan funny as his eye-rolling ex-wife; Lily Mo Sheen as his daughter (in reality he has two sons but has a new child due this year!) and Katrin Vankova as the kidnapped teen. She only appears in a few scenes, but makes a strong impression especially with her “Nick Cage – that’s f****** cool” line! An actress to watch for the future.
- Hats off to a memorable cameo in the finale of the movie. Very cool.
- The trailer gives too many of the money shot jokes away. (Too many “trailer moments” as Cage comments in the film!) I’d have preferred “less is more” and a teaser trailer. (But I guess, as a rather “out there” movie, it needed to do that to get the punters in).
Summary Thoughts on “The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent”:
A real surprise of a movie, this wildly surpassed my expectations and I had a silly grin on my face from beginning to end. This comes with a “Highly Recommended” from me.
Trailer for “The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent”
The trailer is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2YHPZMj8r4 . As I said, I think the trailer gives too many gags away, so best avoided if you’ve not seen it yet.
Note: this is the Red Band trailer.