A One Mann’s Movies review of “The Gray Man” (2022).
I mean, obviously “The Gray Man” should be “The Grey Man”. I despair that we will ever teach our American brethren to spell right! Now showing on Netflix, the company managed to throw $200 million at producing this. And (a bit like the equally glossy “Red Notice“) a lot of that money is visible on the screen.
Bob the Movie Man Rating(s):

Plot Summary:
‘Six’ (Ryan Gosling) is an ex-con recruited into the CIA as a covert operative. A bit like the IMF, they are dropped into iffy situations to do dirty work that the US government wouldn’t want seen on their hands. But when Six finds he’s been recruited to bump off one of his own number, he joins with CIA minder Dani Miranda (Ana de Armas) in getting to the bottom of the intrigue.
Starring: Ryan Gosling, Ana de Armas, Chris Evans, Billy Bob Thornton, Jessica Henwick, Dhanush, Alfre Woodard, Regé-Jean Page.
Directed by: Anthony Russo & Joe Russo.
Written by: Joe Russo, Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely.
Twitter Handles: #THEGRAYMAN.

“The Gray Man” Review:
- It’s the definition of a park-your-brain-at-the-door action thriller, but it’s been done very well. This was the directing/writing team that brought us “Avengers: Infinity War” and “Avengers: Endgame” – the pinnacle of quality (imho) for the Marvel franchise. And the pace moves along at a brain-juddering rate from action sequence to action sequence, with some of these being very exciting: the tram fight in Prague being a highpoint.
- It’s a cracking cast:
- Gosling is at his aloof best;
- Ana de Armas unexpectedly manages to look a lot more ‘girl-next-door’ than usual, but this is another great addition to her burgeoning CV;
- Jessica Henwick plays a CIA manager at the end of her chain. She’s a lot less screamy (and a lot more clothed!) here than in “Underwater“;
- Billy Bob Thornton adds a sense of class as the retired CIA boss. He gets neatly ‘youngified’ for an early scene.;
- Also worthy of praise here is Tamil film star Dhanush as a Boba Fett style bounty hunter. It’s an interesting piece of casting, so a shout out here to Sarah Finn and Krista Husar, since I almost never reference the skills of the casting team. Dhanush has made exclusively Bollywood style films to date. And he is extremely effective here, so I can see more western roles on his dance card in the future.
- But it’s Chris Evans who entertains the most, as the sociopathic hit-man Lloyd Hansen. Evans chews the scenary like some thing possessed, putting a bullet in anyone who stands in his way or just annoys him!
- It’s all very derivative of hundreds of generic spy thrillers, especially the “Mission Impossible” and “Bourne” series, with a shadowy organisation suddenly becoming inconvenient and being made to ‘go away’. There’s also a cheeky nod to Bond: when daughter-in-peril Claire (Julia Butters, very good) asks why Gosling is “Six” he quips back that “Seven was already taken”.
- This is the first feature film released for René-Jean Page since he shot to stardom in “Bridgerton”. He makes for a great screen prescence, but I felt he was being woefully underused.
- There are some ludicrous moments in the script that strain credibility. So, you are a trained killer and have stunned a psychopath on a rooftop. The psychopath is hell bent on killing you (“The Unstoppable” as some of the posters shout at you). Do you put a bullet in him? No, of course not… you walk away!
Summary Thoughts on “The Gray Man”:
Once again, I have to decry the release of big-budget films straight to streaming. This would have been good fun to watch in a packed cinema on a Saturday night. But, hey, that’s Netflix for you.
I mentioned in my introduction that the budget for “The Gray Man” was $200M. It is sobering to think that you could make “Fall” 66 times over for that, and still have change! WIll I remember “Fall” long after this movie? Yes I will! But that being said, it’s a fun enough romp while you are watching it.
I understand that a sequel is in the works. I’ll certainly watch it.
Trailer for “The Gray Man”
The trailer is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmllggGO4pM .
By the way, if anyone is put off by the “domestic violence” tag on the ratings information, this involves the father of Gosling’s character (in flashback) inflicting some mild torturing of his son to “teach him to be a man”. I wouldn’t have said it was too extreme or triggering for anyone affected.