A One Mann’s Movies review of “Sound of Freedom” (2023).
This is a really difficult one to review. For it is virtually impossible to separate the quality of “Sound of Freedom” from the absurd levels of QAnon conspiracy accusations and counter-accusations that are swirling around it on social media. Let me give it a shot.
Bob the Movie Man Rating:

Plot Summary:
Allegedly based on a true story, Tim Ballard (Jim Caviezel) works for Homeland Security in identifying and bringing to justice US paedophiles. But obsessed by the case of two trafficked Honduran children, Ballard wants to go further and rescue them from the clutches of the vile traffickers who profit from them.
UK: 15; US: PG-13. (From the BBFC web site: “Child sex abuse theme, sexual threat, strong threat”. I think the BBFC got this one right but, given the content, this is one I was surprised was only rated a PG-13 in North America).
Starring: Jim Caviezel, Bill Camp, Mira Sorvino, Cristal Aparicio, Lucás Ávila.
Directed by: Alejandro Monteverde.
Written by: Rod Barr & Alejandro Monteverde
Twitter Handle: #SoundOfFreedom.

Lucás Ávila and Cristal Aparicio as Miguel and Rocío – the two trafficked children at the heart of the drama. (Source: Angel Studios)
“Sound of Freedom” Review:
- As a movie that turns the spotlight on the vile and horrific trade in children for sex, this must be a good thing (although it is worth noting that anti-child-trafficking groups have deplored the depiction of children being grabbed from the streets as being atypical and scaremongering).
- Although I had issues with some of the acting in this movie, a few actors stood out. Bill Camp, playing an unlikely Columbian hero, delivers a really top-class performance. And the two young people playing the unfortunate sister and brother – Cristal Aparicio and Lucás Ávila – are astonishingly proficient.
- The subject matter is so icky that it leaves a bad taste in your mouth. But I guess that’s the point. We obviously never SEE any of the abuse, but (through a lingering of the camera on the closing of a curtain or the shutting of a door) we, as the viewer, are left to imaging the horrors going on behind them.
- Jim Caviezel comes from the Chuck Norris school of one-note acting. His fixed expression fills the screen for about 80% of the running time, albeit occasionally with a tear falling down it. It’s a bit of a shock when he breaks into a brief smile at one point!
- Some of the supporting acting is poor particularly from some of the actors playing Colombian traffickers.
- Did the initial US paedophile in the plot really need to revolve around such a Jewish caricature?
- In one scene, the kids are made up with hair and make-up for a vile ‘catalogue’ shoot. This felt voyeuristic and wrong. (But would they be telling the story without it? I’m genuinely not sure.)
There is a bizarre mid-credit “monkey” flagged up by a “Special Message” countdown as the titles start. In it, Jim Caviezel talks to the audience bemoaning the difficulty in getting the film released against unnamed dark forces (If has been inferred that this relates to a QAnon claim that “a core group of devil-worshipping elite run the world”). He then goes on to ask audience members to “pay-forward” by buying a ticket for someone who couldn’t otherwise afford one! What a genius piece of marketing! It has led to “sold-out” performances where half the theatres are empty! It has led to the film bringing in (at the time of writing) an astonishing $211M on a budget of $14.6M.
Summary Thoughts on “Sound of Freedom”
“Sound of Freedom” is mired in such mystery such that I struggle to understand (after having used wiki to look into both the background of this film and the real Tim Ballard) where exactly the truth lies any more. Why this is important is that if you’re buying a ticket for this film you might want to know what organisations your pounds, euros or dollars might be funding. And I’m afraid I’m none the wiser, although the old maxim “there’s no smoke without fire” seems appropriate.
As a standalone film, it’s adequately made although with some clunky edges and dodgy acting in places. In shining a light on paedophiles and their suppliers though, there will be addition pressure to uncover their networks and put an end to their vile crimes. (Personally, I’d castrate them all – either chemically or otherwise. Oh no…. does that make me ultra right-wing?)
Trailer for “Sound of Freedom”:
The trailer is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rt0kp4VW1cI.
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