A One Mann’s Movies review of “Simulant” (2023).
“Simulant” feels like a decent attempt by Sky Movies to create an interesting Sci-Fi film in the same vein as “Ex Machina” and “Blade Runner”. But it feels like its budget was several million short!
“Simulant” is a Sky Original production, available to view in the UK on Sky or Now TV.
Bob the Movie Man Rating:

Plot Summary
It’s the near future. Evan (Robbie Amell) and Faye (Jordana Brewster) are happily married but Evan is troubled by recurring dreams of a car accident that he was in with Faye and their android housekeeper. Evan gets to understand more about the capabilities of the new 7th generation ‘simulants’ when he runs into Kessler (Sam Worthington) – a ‘cop’ looking to control rogue simulants.
UK: 15; US: NR. (From the BBFC web site: “Strong language, sex, brief violence”.)
Starring: Robbie Amell, Jordana Brewster, Sam Worthington, Simu Liu, Alicia Sanz.
Directed by: April Mullen.
Written by: Ryan Christopher Churchill.
Twitter Handle: #Simulant.

Rogue agent. Casey (Simu Liu) with accomplice Esme (a striking Alicia Sanz). (Source: Sky).
“Simulant” Review:
- Is there a more on-trend topic this month than AI-machines potentially becoming a threat to humanity? Congrats to the team at #SkyCinema for getting the timing of this release spot-on!
- I’m generally a sucker for this type of sci-fi movie… set in the future, but not too far in the future and exploring the potential conflicts that we will have to face in controlling the advanced technology that we invent. And the director April Mullen – good to see a female director tackling a Sci-fi film like this – keeps the action clicking along at a nice pace.
- There are some nice effects in here, such as when an EM-pulse is set off to freeze all of the replicants and none of the humans. (Clearly doesn’t affect drones though!)
- Perhaps I viewed the film from a different perspective that you might view it, but I thought there was a nice twist in my perception of one of the characters from the start of the film.
- Simu Liu (he of “Shiang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings“) makes for a personable star in this.
- This leans heavily on “Blade Runner” (for its concepts, an initial action sequence and even its title) and – to an extent – “Ex Machina”. As such, its almost impossible not to view this as anything other than a ‘cheap-and-nasty-wannabe’. That sounds overly harsh, and I really don’t mean it to be, since this movie has its interesting moments. But that’s what you get when you pitch yourself against such utter classics (and two of my personal favourite films).
- Although they spend the effects budget quite well, there’s something that feels very low-budget about this production.
- No spoilers, but given the nature of the threat isn’t it a bit odd that Kessler (Sam Worthington) and only Kessler appears to be investigating it! He doesn’t even seem to have a partner for backup!
- It’s quite predictable where the film goes in its finale. (At least, I thought so.) ‘Good predictable’. But still predictable: I saw it coming before we ended the first reel.
- I’m afraid I didn’t think Robbie Amell had enough charisma to fully carry the lead role.
Summary Thoughts on “Simulant”
It’s far from being a complete bust, and as a retread on some classic movies it makes for entertaining enough viewing. But it fails to find a beat of its own and as a result is constantly in the shadow of similar but much better movies.
Trailer for “Simulant”
The trailer is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNPf1aMpPbs . The trailer contains some key spoilers so is best AVOIDED before seeing the film.
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