A One Mann’s Movies review of “Scoop” (2024).
It’s a moment in British television history and a journalistic ‘Scoop’ of epic proportions. On November 16th 2019 and, in a Newsnight special, BBC reporter Emily Maitlis engages with Prince Andrew head-to-head. It’s an interview that Andrew hoped would clear his name in regards to the Jeffrey Epstein under-age sex trafficking scandal. It did not go to plan!
Bob the Movie Man Rating:

Plot Summary:
Sam McAllister (Billie Piper) is a “booker” for the BBC’s Newsnight programme. A bit of a maverick, she doesn’t quite fit in to the corporate mould, but she does get results. When sex-trafficker and peadophile Jeffrey Epstein kills himself in prison (allegedly), Sam sees the opportunity to bring in an interview coup that will assure her continued role in the organisation.
UK: 15; US: TV-14. (From the BBFC web site: “Child sexual abuse references; Strong sex references”.)
Starring: Billie Piper, Rufus Sewell, Gillian Anderson, Keeley Hawes, Alex Waldmann.
Directed by: Philip Martin.
Written by: Peter Moffat & Geoff Bussetil. (Based on the book “Scoops” by Sam McAlister.)
Twitter Handle: #ScoopMovie.
Running Time: 1h 42m.

The effortlessly magnetic Billie Piper as Sam McAllister. (Source: Netflix)
“Scoop” Review:
- What a stellar acting line-up for this Netflix production.
- Billie Piper is never short of magnetic in everything she does. And here, she really holds your attention for every minute she’s on screen. Such an expressive face, by doing absolutely nothing with it! It’s frustrating to me that she has never seemed to break out of TV roles into mainstream movies. This lady deserves a crack at an Oscar.
- Rufus Sewell is spot on with his portrayal of Prince Andrew. (The make-up team also deserve an award for their work.) There are moments, which I’m not sure are based on truth – the teddy bears (!); the sudden barking outburst and laugh – that if not true certainly FEEL true and a part of the character. If Andrew watches this (and surely you couldn’t resist the temptaion?) then it must have been a squirmy watch.
- Keeley Hawes, perfectly cast as the personal PA who things its a spiffing idea… until it’s suddenly not. A final scene with her is again squirm-inducing.
- Gillian Anderson. I was rather expecting a re-tread of her Margaret Thatcher turn in “The Crown”, but actually her impersonation of Maitlis feels pitch-perfect. Did Maitlis really get free-rein to roam the BBC with her dog like that? Presumably so, since the script is based on McAllister’s own book.
- The first half of the film was the best for me, with the behind the scenes wheeler-dealing to secure the interview. The reconstuction of the interview itself was well-done…. but at less than 5 years old, I remember this already.
- In re-constructed docu-dramas of this type, (e.g. 2008’s “Frost/Nixon”) I always end up rather thinking “so what…. you’re just reconstructing something I well-remember”. To some degree I did with this one too.

What a great idea! PA Amanda Thirsk (Keeley Hawes) and Prince Andrew (Rufus Sewell). They should really be listerning to press advisor Jason Stein (Alex Waldmann)! (Source: Netflix)
Summary Thoughts on “Scoop”
A well-made docu-drama anchored by some teriffic acting performances. Recommended. “Scoop” is currently streaming on Netflix.
Curiously, there is a rival docu-drama currently being made by Prime Video, supported by Maitlis and starring Michael Sheen and Ruth Wilson. It will be interesting to compare and contrast when that comes out.
Where to Watch it (Powered by Justwatch)
Trailer for “Scoop”:
The trailer is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZcHc3zEEoc .
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