A One Mann’s Movies review of “Out of Blue” (2018).
My thanks to my #flickeringdreams colleague the Reverend Andy Godfrey for putting me onto this one. He saw “Out of Blue” at a BFI retrospective season of the work of director Carol Morley and likened it to the recent “To Catch a Killer” that I enjoyed.
Actually, although I’m not sure the parallels with the recent Sky movie are that strong, this is a really interesting – albeit flawed – film. But I think it’s still worth my high rating, as I have been thinking about it ever since watching it.
Bob the Movie Man Rating:

Plot Summary:
New Orleans detective Mike Hoolihan (Patricia Clarkson) is tasked with investigating the death of a respected astrophysicist Jennifer Rockwell (Mamie Gummer) in the city’s observatory. But the normally stoic and rock-solid cop is very much affected by this case. Even more so, as she digs into the background of the chief suspects and of the rich and powerful Rockwell family.
UK: 15; US: NR. (From the BBFC web site: “Strong bloody images”.)
Starring: Patricia Clarkson, Toby Jones, Mamie Gummer, Bri Collins, Jonathan Majors, James Caan, Jacki Weaver, Brad Mann, Todd Mann. .
Directed by: Carol Morley.
Written by: Carol Morley. (Based on the book by Martin Amis).

Not quite sure why the English professor would delight in the surname of “Strammi”, which seems to exist only in this film! But then he does take young female students out for the night and talk about Schrödinger’s cat, so….! (Source: BBC Films).
“Out of Blue” Review:
- This is a film that seems determined to unsettle you at every juncture. Why is the female character called Mike? What is her sexuality – lesbian? Bi? Asexual? What is the significance of the blue beads; the snow-globe; the brooch; the red scarf at her window, …dot dot dot…? Why are characters like Professor Strammi (Toby Jones) and Duncan Reynolds (Jonathan Majors) acting so strangely? What is the significance of the red and blue stars in the heavens? Even the movie’s title seems to be missing the definite article. The script keeps you guessing and there were directions I was sure the film was going in (see Spoiler section) that it subsequently didn’t!
- Some of the sequences of Mike’s relived trauma are expertly done by Morley. Again, it’s difficult to understand what’s happening at the time and the film “shows” rather than “tells” leaving you, as the viewer, to pick up the pieces and interpret them. (Love that).
- Patricia Clarkson is an actress like Eddie Marsan…. no, not in terms of looks or even acting approach! But in the sense that they are great jobbing actors, seldom in the spotlight but always excellent in what they do. When you do notice them (I referenced Clarkson in her role as the NY Times editor Rebecca Corbett in the underrated “She Said“) you really appreciate what they bring to a film. This is a rare leading role for her, and she really carries it off well.
- Also terrific in supporting roles are Toby Jones, Jonathan Majors, Jacki Weaver and – particularly I thought – James Caan, who really impressed me here. Also a shout-out to cousins Brad and Todd Mann playing the Rockwell twins. (No, only kidding… I’m not aware we are remotely related!).
- While it is all very slick and polished, I couldn’t help but be brought up occasionally with some clunky elements. The coincidence of finding an item of jewelry at one point, for example. And I couldn’t feel completely satisfied by the outcome of the murder investigation itself: it’s the weakest part of the film’s plot for me.
- Although his acting is as good as ever, I’m afraid I didn’t completely buy the vaguely nutty professor act of Professor Strammi here. It seemed a bit forced and over-the-top to me and took me out of the story.
Summary Thoughts on “Out of Blue”
Did I enjoy this one? As a traditional cop murder/mystery thriller, honestly not so much. But as a character study into the complex individual that is Mike Hoolihan, I liked it very much indeed. The film is directed with an abundance of style by Carol Morley – a director that I have no previous experience of, and this has made me want to explore more of her back-catalogue.
Trailer for “Out of Blue”
The trailer is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v75fNqQ2hs8 .
Spoiler Section
Don’t read past this point if you’ve not seen the movie.
The thing that got me in the storytelling was the similarity in appearance between Mike and the dead girl Jennifer Rockwell. I could also see great similarity between Clarkson and James Caan. I felt SURE that the film would reveal, given that Mike was an output of the care system, that they were related and that Colonel Tom would turn out to be Mike’s biological father. You could have slapped me with a kipper when that didn’t turn out to be the case!
In terms of the ‘disappointing murder/mystery’ aspect, the fact that Jennifer killed herself felt like a bit of a damp squib. And to compound that, the whole Professor Strammi finding and hiding the gun felt comically unrealistic to me.