A One Mann’s Movies review of “Next Goal Wins” (2023).
I’ve had something of a love/hate relationship with Taika Waititi’s output. When he is good, he is very good. But I’ve often found – both in his acting roles and in his directorial features (“Thor: Love and Thunder” being particularly heinous) – that he has a tendency to sometimes go over-the-top. At times (e.g. his presumably ad-libbed lines in “Free Guy“) I’ve found him downright offensive. So I went into “Next Goal Wins” cautiously. But, I’m glad to say, this is Waititi in good form and making a movie that the whole family can enjoy.
Bob the Movie Man Rating:

Plot Summary:
Based on a true story (“with some embellishments”), “Next Goal Wins” tells the story of jaded football (US readers read “soccer”) coach Thomas Rongen (Michael Fassbender) who is given the challenge of getting the American Samoan football team into a shape where they can score just one goal in an international match: something they have singularly failed to do in the past! But Rongen has arrived with emotional baggage that is burning away in him that leads to an explosive encounter with the useless team.
UK: 12; US: PG-13. (From the BBFC web site: “Injury detail, discrimination, sex references, infrequent strong language”).
Starring: Michael Fassbender, Oscar Kightley, Kaimana, David Fane, Rachel House, Beulah Koale, Taika Waititi, Will Arnett, Elisabeth Moss, Uli Latukefu.
Directed by: Taika Waititi.
Written by: Taika Waititi & Iain Morris.
Twitter Handle: #NextGoalFilm; #NextGoalWins.
Running Time: 1h 44m.

David Fane and Michael Fassbender trying to come up with a strategy. (Source: Searchlight Pictures).
“Next Goal Wins” Review:
- My daughter Jenn (who was seeing it for the second time) commented that the film has a “Cool Runnings” vibe to it, and that’s quite right. We get to laugh along at the quaint traditions and idiosyncracies of the motley crew of island players.
- It’s fun to see Fassbender in a comedy role for once, even if he is primarily playing the straight man in the act.
- Taika Waititi is actually hilarious in his brief appearances as the priest. Yes, he’s over the top, but in a good and funny way.
- In the portrayal of Jayah (Kaimana), it’s great to see the refreshing attitude to gender fluidity in the Samoan way of life. Within their society there are four recognised cultural genders: female, male, fa’afafine, and fa’afatama with the last two being fluid gender roles that straddle male and female worlds. In Jayah we get to see both the local acceptance of their fa’afafine status and the prejudice when faced with non-islanders like Rongen.
- I honestly didn’t find it as hilarious as I thought it could be. Yes, there were more than 6 laughs for it to be considered a comedy. But a lot of it I found smile-worthy rather than snort-out-loud funny. It was a big hit though with my football-loving grandson Frankie (age 8) so think it rates as a good family film for older children.

Kaimana in yellow as Jayah, reflecting a positive attitude to gender fluidity in American Samoa. (Source: Searchlight Pictures).
Yes! There is a very funny ‘monkey‘ at the end of the end-credits, featuring Taika Waititi’s priest character that is well worth waiting for. Very funny.
Summary Thoughts on “Next Goal Wins”
A fun film that has been long in the gestation (with Will Arnett replacing Armie Hammer due to his long-running legal disputes). “Next Goal Wins” is certainly worth catching on the big screen…. a fun trip for families with older kids looking for a New Year cinema visit.
Where to Watch it (Powered by Justwatch)
Trailer for “Next Goal Wins”:
The trailer is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRH5u5lpArQ .
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