A One Mann’s Movies review of “Juror #2” (2024).
Pop Quiz: the last film I reviewed was “Heretic” with Hugh Grant, but what’s the connection with this film? The answer of course if Nicholas Hoult who had his breakout movie as Marcus against Hugh Grant in “About a Boy” back in 2002 and here stars as the titular “Juror #2”. (As a double whammy, the film also stars Toni Collette – Marcus’s mum from that earlier film!)
I generally love courtroom dramas, and this had a lot going for it including the very impressive cast.
Bob the Movie Man Rating:

“Juror #2” Plot Summary:
Justin Kemp (Nicholas Hoult) is concerned about taking up Jury service in Georgia because his wife Allison (Zoey Deutch) is heavily pregnant with a history of past complications. But that’s the least of his worries. On starting the murder trial for ex-gang member Eric Resnick (Chris Messina) he gets a horrible sense of deja vu about the circumstances surrounding the case.
UK: 15; US: PG-12A. (From the BBFC web site: “Moderate injury detail, domestic abuse, threat, sex references, language”).
Starring: Nicholas Hoult, Toni Collette, J.K. Simmons, Kiefer Sutherland, Zoey Deutch, Adrienne C. Moore, Leslie Bibb, Cedric Yarbrough, Chris Messina.
Directed by: Clint Eastwood.
Written by: Clint Eastwood.
Running Time: 1h 54m.

“Juror #2” Summary:
- Tense, well-paced story as we watch Justin’s moral compass fluctuate.
- Fabulous acting from Hoult and Collette.
- It’s not a very “happy” movie!
Review of “Juror #2”:
Where would your moral compass point?
As with the best Hitchcock films, our hero Justin gets presented with a bit of a moral dilemna. (If you’ve watched the spoilerish trailer, you’ll already know what this is!) We see the action unfurl through his own eyes and the decisions he makes to try to uphold truth, justice and the American way.
Hoult is fabulous.
Have any of you have watched Nicholas Hoult portray the vulgar, outrageous and hilariously funny Peter the Great in the TV series “The Great”? (You have? Huzzah!!) Co-starring with the wondrous Elle Fanning, I can’t recommend this series highly enough. But as Peter (and indeed Pugachev!) Hoult proves his acting range and it is great to see him in the starring role on the big screen. There’s a delicious moment in the courtroom where you see light progressively dawning on Justin’s face that is a beautifully subtle piece of acting from Hoult.
Ably supporting him is the wonderful Toni Collette as D.A. Faith Killebrew, having to juggle her own conscience with her political ambitions; J.K. Simmons in a small but crucial role as another juror and Kiefer Sutherland as Justin’s AA-and legal counsellor. (Apparantly Sutherland got cast because he said he was a huge fan of Eastwood and would love to appear in a film of his before he retired from acting. Perhaps I should try that!)
But really, what would you do?
The film really works because it puts you in Justin’s shoes. There is an easy ‘get out of jail free’ card that Justin could play early on in the process. But in the end, he doesn’t and tries to be a better man. What would you do? Honestly? It’s a cracking little moral conundrum, with the script cleverly trying to argue that no pre-meditated ‘crime’ has really been committed here. And yet a poor young 26-year old lies broken and bleeding on a river-bed.
What’s not to love?
I really enjoyed this one, and the final shot is a truly terrific one in my book. But to reflect a counter view – specifically that of the Illustrious Mrs Movie Man – it’s a movie where there is going to be at least one loser. The loser will either be justice or Eric or Faith or Justin or indeed possibly someone else! But you know there’s not going to be a happy clappy ending where all is right in the world. The IMMM wasn’t very comfortable with the film for that reason.

J.K. Simmons as juror Harold, being naughty. (But not as naughty as the deer X-ing behind him! Arf.) (Source: Warner Bros. Pictures)
Summary Thoughts on “Juror #2″
This is a cracking little courtroom drama and my favourite Eastwood-directed flick for a long time. (Looking back through his filmography, I’d have to go back to “Gran Torino” to match it.) Highly recommended.
Where to Watch it (Powered by Justwatch)
Trailer for “Juror #2”:
The trailer is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viA35xH5KO8.
As discussed, it gives a lot of the plot away… and this is a film best seen COLD.
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