A One Mann’s Movies review of “Judy Blume Forever” (2023).
“Judy Blume Forever” is a new documentary on Amazon concerning the US author.
Now, the trailer for the upcoming film “Are You There God, It’s Margaret” begins with the portentous words “For Over 50 Years. One Iconic Book. Has Connected Generations. Now it’s finally coming to the big screen”. I’m sure I was not the only UK viewer to go “WHAT???”, having never even heard of the book “Are You There God, It’s Margaret”! Or indeed the author Judy Blume!
For this, it seems, is a phenomenon similar to “A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood” from a couple of years ago, where most people in the UK had never even heard of this Mr Rogers (played by Tom Hanks in the movie), much to the amazement of US folks.
I’m now much better informed. Judy Blume seems to be an icon of American literature and this thus makes for a very interesting and informative documentary.
Bob the Movie Man Rating:

Plot Summary:
The film follows the life and career of Judy Blume (born Judy Sussman) as she develops a controversial writing style for children that makes her beloved of generations of teens and a figure of hate for many on the far right of American politics.
UK: 12; US: 16+. (From the BBFC: “Strong language, moderate sex, bloody images, bullying & suicide references”. Isn’t it kind of ironic that the BBFC gave this – quite rightly – a “12” certificate, but the US rating is 16+!?).
Starring: Judy Blume and contributions from fans including Molly Ringwald and Lena Dunham.
Directed by: Davina Pardo & Leah Wolchok
Twitter Handle: #JudyBlume.

Oh, to be so loved! Judy Blume reviewing the huge archive of personal letters sent to her over the years from fans. (Source: Amazon Prime Video)
“Judy Blume Forever” Review:
- Documentaries about a particular person and their life and career tend to hang on how interesting the person is and how interesting the career is. And this movie comes up trumps on both fronts. Firstly, seeing how Judy battled against the strictures of 50’s and 60’s life, and against an unsupportive and ‘traditional’ husband to achieve success, is inspiring. And secondly, Judy herself, now in her early 80’s, is SUCH a vivacious person that it is difficult not to get inspired by her presentation.
- The outpouring of young people’s feelings to her in letter format is both heartwarming and moving. And her compassion in reading and responding to the letters has evidently changed some troubled childrens’ lives. An extraordinary human being.
- The historical elements about the “moral majority” in the Reagan era and the censorship of books (now evidently active again on the far-right after Trump) is particularly interesting.
- The film perhaps skips a bit quickly over the ‘appropriateness’ of the books written in the 60’s and 70’s to today’s readers. There is a brief mention of this, but I would have liked more of a drill down, and Judy’s views, on topics like trans-gender and LGBTQ for today’s young readers..
- I guess my only other negative would be that the subject matter – other than for providing background information to the upcoming film “Are You There God, It’s Margaret” – wasn’t something I was particularly interested in. But the fact that I sat though all 90 minutes of it, despite that, shows what a well made and engaging documentary it was. (So I’ve perhaps been a bit mean with my rating!)
Summary Thoughts on “Judy Blume Forever”
Documentaries focused on specific people should help elevate the worthiest of them for broader recognition. And this documentary does just that. Judy seems to be a wonderful person who, although vilified in some repressed quarters, has helped millions of children over the decades to understand their bodies and what is happening to them through puberty. I’m not sure anyone could put a figure on the number of potential suicides she’s saved through doing that… but it is probably a considerable number.
Well recommended. It’s on Amazon Prime, for free with the membership.
Trailer for “Judy Blume Forever”
The trailer is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neWsO1Rk_q0 .