A One Mann’s Movies review of “Cow” (2022).

“Cow” is a much-praised documentary that came out in the UK at the start of 2022 but which I never got to see, despite it having being on the BBC iPlayer to watch for free for a while now. Prompted by an “Available for 30 days” message on the iPlayer, I finally got to it. And boy, does it make you think more about what you put in your mouth.

Bob the Movie Man Rating:

Plot Summary:

Luma (or cow number 1129 as she is branded) is a dairy cow in a standard Kent dairy farm. We follow a few years in Luma’s life.


UK: 12; US: NR; From the BBFC web site: “Upsetting scenes, infrequent strong language”. (I can’t actually recall any “strong language”…. perhaps it was some of the farm hands or vet comments in the background on the soundtrack. But I certainly would concur with the “upsetting scenes” view: I think this movie would be VERY challenging for more sensitive 12-year-olds. Parents beware).


Starring: Luma!

Directed by: Andrea Arnold.

Twitter Handle: -.

Running Time: 1h 34m.

The joy of spring for the new calves in the fields. (Source: BBC Films)

“Cow” Review:


  • You can surely not be unmoved by this movie. How can it be so enthralling and devasatating to watch a cow going about its business with no ‘dialogue’ per se and no real story? Luma isn’t even a particularly special cow: she just produces milk and calves for her farmer. And her farmer clearly cares for her: all those staff, machinery and vet visits don’t come cheap.
  • This intimacy is achieved by Andrea Arnold’s camera roving close to – and at some points, I thought, dangerously close to – her subjects. And the editing, or in some cases lack of editing, is superb. There’s a scene where an obviously distraught Luma is mooing with despair. The camera lingers there…. looking straight into her eyes – into her very soul it feels like – for over a minute… taking it all in.
  • No spoilers, but the ending is a gut punch.


  • There are points where (despite breaking the “Cinéma vérité” approach that works so well) some explanatory context would have been useful. For example, there’s a scene which looks like a man is using a power tool to drill into a calf’s brain. I actually clocked that this was them ‘de-horning’ the calf, but for some less-rural viewers, this must have been truly baffling.
  • It’s only 94 minutes, so not a long film. But I found it sluggish and repetitive in a few places. A nip and a tuck here and there to get it to 88 minutes would have been good imho. (Udder opinions are available. Sorry!)

Summary Thoughts on “Cow”

A truly memorable film. To subvert the original “Superman: The Movie” slogan, “You’ll believe a cow can cry”. It’s particularly impactful since this is no dodgy farming outfit in Romania or anything. This is probably state-of-the-art ‘free-range’ dairy farming in rural Kent. Yet it raises so many questions about the ‘rights’ of farm animals in a world where productivity and profit are king.

I saw this last night and the rubber really met the road for me today in the supermarket. I was standing in front of the rack of ‘Piemaster’ pies. You guess it… I went for the “Mooless Moo” jackfruit-based pie rather than my normal beef favourite.

Remember, you only have under a month to catch “Cow” on the BBC iPlayer!

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Where to Watch it (Powered by Justwatch)

Trailer for “Cow”:

The trailer is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkCXJfdJE5A .


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By bobwp

Dr Bob Mann lives in Hampshire in the UK. Now retired from his job as an IT professional, he is owner of One Mann's Movies and an enthusiastic reviewer of movies as "Bob the Movie Man". Bob is also a regular film reviewer on BBC Radio Solent.

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