A One Mann’s Movies review of “Animalia” (2023) (from the London Film Festival).
(Also known as “Parmi Nous”).
Again, I saw this at the Film Critic screenings prior to the opening of the London Film Festival.
This is a weird one and not without artistic merit. But of all the films I saw in this first day of viewing, this is the one that has stayed in my thoughts most prominently, so I have upped my initial gut-reaction score (3*) a bit.I
Bob the Movie Man Rating:

Plot Summary:
Itto (Oumaima Barid) is heavily pregnant and living with the affluent parents of her husband Amine (Mehdi Dehbi). When left alone in the home, a strange supernatural event occurs and Itto faces a perilous and spiritual road-trip to be reunited with Amine.
UK: NR; US: NR. (This has not yet been rated by the BBFC or the MPA. But in the UK I would expect it to be a 12, or possibly a 15 – – I can’t remember if the dialogue had any dodgy dialogue).
Starring: Oumaima Barid, Mehdi Dehbi, Fouad Oughaou, Mohamed Lahbib.
Directed by: Sofia Alaoui.
Written by: Sofia Alaoui.
Twitter Handle: #AnimaliaMovie.

Fouad (Fouad Oughaou) taking Itto (Oumaima Barid) closer to her destination. One of the stars of the film is the spectacular scenary of the Atlas mountains, nicely captured by cinematographer Noé Bach. (Source: Wrong Films).
“Animalia” Review:
- Itto makes for an interesting character and is immaculately played by Oumaima Barid. She is a poor girl made good through her relationship with the prodigal son Amine. But her relationship with his mother is a little ‘tense’ and in a male-dominated society they get to watch stuff on tablet screens while the father watches football on the wide-screen lounge TV.
- Just like “Jaws” ‘not being about the shark’ so this film is set against some supernatural events but they almost stay in the background and play second fiddle to the story of rich vs poor and believers vs non-believers in modern day Morocco. Itto’s relationship with Fouad (Fouad Oughaou) brings into sharp context the gulf between the rich elite and the mass poor. Fouad is a poor farmer living in the town of Imilchil, high in the Atlas mountains. When Itto tries to solve everything with money, it gets thrown back in her face. “If God existed”, he says, “He’d help the poor. But he helps the rich. It’s like water into the sea”.
- While the Sci-fi takes a back seat, it is still present and suitably mysterious. A disturbance in the lake and the resultant army movements were reminiscent of “Close Encounters”. And the strange behaviour of all the birds and animals is distinctly unsettling. This leads us into a surreal, trance-type close encounter that I thought was beautifully realised, culminating in a ‘space-doughnut’ fade to the hazel eyes of Itto.
- The mystery continues with a strange boy that they pick up en-route (I’m sure the subtitle said that he was aged 7 but that was surely a mistake… he is about 15!) The child has a spiritual air about him and speaks wise words for a sheep-herder: “God is as elusive as an ant on a black stone at night” (which is one I will strive to remember). Is he God? Is he one of the aliens? Is there a difference? WHo knows.
- The film had me highly engaged until we reached the city of Khouribga. Then the story got so weird, particularly during an arranged mass-prayer event, that I was struggling to make sense of it all. There was an “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” air to it, with a little girl saying “You’re not my mummy”. And someone KNOWING the sex of Itto’s child: “Children are a powerful seed”. The close of the film still had me scratching my head, with more questions than answers.
- I was expecting more of a payoff from the ‘animal behaviour’ aspects of the story. The whole dog -> magpie thing was strange without (to me) having a point.
Summary Thoughts on “Animalia”
I understand that this is the first feature by writer/director Sofia Alaoui, and it shows a great deal of promise. I thoroughly enjoyed the first half of the film as it built the relationships and the eerie level of mystery. But, for me, the film rather screwed the landing and left me feeling baffled.
Animalia doesn’t seem to yet have a UK Release date confirmed.
Trailer for “Animalia”:
The trailer is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9os7XQWiwUk .
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