A One Mann’s Movies review of “Blonde” (2022).
“Blonde” is a fictionalised-biopic of Norma-Jean Baker, aka Marilyn Monroe. And, at nearly 3 hours long, it’s thankfully on Netflix so I was able to watch it as two 90-minute chunks. Because, honestly, it’s a long and depressing slog of a movie.
Bob the Movie Man Rating(s):

Plot Summary:
After a troubled childhood, Norma-Jean Baker (Ana de Armas) is bouncing from casting-couch to casting-couch as she makes it big in the film world. But with a lot of ‘takers’, few ‘givers’ and more than her fair share of bad luck, Norma’s trials and tribulations progressively play on her mental wellbeing.
Starring: Ana de Armas, Adrien Brody, Xavier Samuel, Evan Williams.
Directed by: Andrew Dominik.
Written by: Andrew Dominik. Based on the book by Joyce Carol Oates.
Twitter Handles: #BlondeOnNetflix.

“Blonde” Review:
- Ana de Armas does a fantastic job of embodying Marilyn. She clearly isn’t the spitting image of her. But acting-wise its a superb performance. It’s also very brave: following on from “Deep Water“, de Armas again proves that she’s very willing to bare both body and soul for her art.
- Some of the scenes are very stylishly done, with clever fades, optical effects and edits. I was talking last week about Florence Pugh’s award-winning (as I’d proposed) orgasms in “Don’t Worry Darling“. Here de Armas’s Marilyn has one hanging off the side of bed, which seamlessly fades into Niagara Falls. Very neat.
- The film has garnered utter hatred from Monroe-fans (and there seem to be many) who point out that Joyce Carol Oates’ book is a story that weaves a work of FICTION around Marilyn’s troubled life. This is the film of that book. That might not be so bad except that the movie so heavily leans, almost unremittingly, on the ‘downs’ of Marilyn’s life. It’s also very salacious, very much focusing on her use as a sex toy.
- Thus, it is just SUCH as downer of a film. With more finesse, it would have worked as a horror film. The sight of this individual in freefall, grasping on the cliff-face for hand-holds of happiness as she falls, is distressing. She seems to find it with her marriage to the kindly Arthur Miller (Adrien Brody). But then no. She falls again. So sad.
- The film is also extremely spasmodic. We fast-forward through her life (missing out whole chunks – we don’t even see her first husband). This makes for a jerky narrative.
- You can’t help but equate some of the film, as depicted, with real-life. And as you have no idea what is true and what is not, it’s disorienting. For example, the movie depicts Marilyn as having a truly awful time when filming “Some Like it Hot” – one of my favourite comedies. And that will likely influence my enjoyment of the movie when I next see it.
The movie focuses at length on Monroe’s failure to take children to full term, and some of these scenes are distressing, not helped by unrealistic* shots of each foetus in the womb. (* Clearly near full-term). These scenes may be upsetting for many couples who have experienced the trauma of miscarriage or abortion.
There are also upsetting scenes of child-abuse, domestic violence, drug-use and (obviously) suicide.
Summary Thoughts on “Blonde”:
Marilyn Monroe is a fantastic subject for a great biopic. Unfortunately, this isn’t it. Yes, it has moments of artistic style that take your breath away. But it’s just so unremittingly grim that I can’t recommend it as a good one to watch.
Perhaps there is just too much content in here to turn into a biopic film? It might have worked better as a ten-part mini-series instead. And certainly better if it was based on reality rather than a work of fiction.
Trailer for “Blonde”:
The trailer is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIsFywuZPoQ . The trailer is very much better than the film!