A One Mann’s Movies review of “Operation Mincemeat” (2022).

I am partial to a good war film. And I thought “Operation Mincemeat” was good… but only in parts.

Bob the Movie Man Rating:

Plot Summary:

It’s 1943 and the British are planning to move back into Southern Europe. Sicily is the obvious target. And the Nazis know that Sicily is the obvious target. Ex-barrister Ewen Montagu (Colin Firth), supported by Charles Cholmondeley (Matthew Macfadyen) is put in charge of enacting an audacious plan of deception. All they need is a dead body.


UK: 12A; US: PG-13.


Starring: Colin Firth, Matthew Macfadyen, Kelly Macdonald, Johnny Flynn, Penelope Wilton, Jason Isaacs, Mark Gatiss.

Directed by: John Madden.

Written by: Michelle Ashford (based on the book by Ben Macintyre)

Twitter Handle: #operationmincemeat.

“Operation Mincemeat” Review:

From the morgue to a war hero of sorts – ex-vagrant Glyndwr Michael (Lorne MacFadyen). (Source: FilmNation Entertainment).


  • This is a wartime story that I’d forgotten (I think I have seen the 1956 film “The Man Who Never Was”, but many years ago). It’s a ripping yarn, and the film works best when it is focused on this intrigue.
  • Colin Firth is a reliable pair of hands for the stiff-upper-lip Montagu. He’s proven (for example with last year’s excellent “Supernova“) that he has great range as an actor. But THIS feels like the role he is just pitch-perfect for. Matthew Macfadyen (so good in TV’s brilliant “Succession”) also has a lot of fun as Cholmondeley (my favourite British name to ask Americans to pronounce, after St. John!).
  • There’s an amusing line of comedy running through the movie with everyone seeming to be writing a novel! This is centred on a certain Ian Fleming (an unrecognisable, to me, Johnny Flynn) and some of the ‘nod nod wink wink’ Bondisms in the script are very amusing.


  • My biggest issue with the script is the heavy emphasis on a love story between the married (but estranged) Montagu and his co-worker Jean Leslie (Kelly Macdonald). There’s also the unrequited attraction between Cholmondely and Leslie. I have no problem with elements of wartime romance in a movie. In classics like “The Battle of Britain”, the love story between the characters played by Susannah York and Christopher Plummer worked just brilliantly. But here, I just didn’t believe in the mutual attraction between the 61-year old Firth and the 46-year old Macdonald. Beyond that, I found the love story tiresomely intrusive, always getting in the way of progressing the main story. I felt that some aspects of the story – for example, the segments in Spain featuring Captain Ainsworth (Nicholas Rowe, a man very good with his hands!) – felt rushed and under-developed.

Summary Thoughts on “Operation Mincemeat”

It’s an interesting watch for the historical derring-do alone. But I found the lack of focus on the primary story frustrating. In the world of movies alone…. Make War; not Love!

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Trailer for “Operation Mincemeat”

The trailer is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQ7ZXOXHZ20 .

By bobwp

Dr Bob Mann lives in Hampshire in the UK. Now retired from his job as an IT professional, he is owner of One Mann's Movies and an enthusiastic reviewer of movies as "Bob the Movie Man". Bob is also a regular film reviewer on BBC Radio Solent.

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