A One Mann’s Movies review of “Supernova” (2021).
Bob the Movie Man Rating:

Unless there’s one I’ve forgotten, “Supernova” is the penultimate film to be release whose trailer was being widely shown before the first Covid lockdown! (The final one – I think – being “Black Widow”). So seeing Tucci and Firth strut their stuff has been a long time coming.

Tucci and Firth. living the great outdoors. (Source: BBC Films).
Plot Summary:
Sam (Colin Firth) is a famous concert pianist. Tusker (Stanley Tucci) a famous author. But Tusker has Alzheimer’s, and is starting to go downhill. The loving couple take their battered motorhome on a last great adventure round England’s Lake District, taking in a visit with Sam’s sister Lil while there.

Small. Far away. The large motorhome in the vastness of The Lakes. (Source: BBC Films).
Starring: Stanley Tucci, Colin Firth, Pippa Haywood.
Directed by: Harry Macqueen.
Written by: Harry Macqueen.

“SURPRISE!”. (Source: BBC Films).
“Supernova” Review:
- “Love is a many splendored thing” as the song goes, and seldom has it been expressed so poignantly as in “Supernova”. Harry Macqueen’s script builds up a truly loving relationship between the two men. Any homophobes should be strapped into chairs and forced to watch this movie: perhaps that would cause some semblance of understanding to emerge in their petrified brains. (Who am I kidding?)
- Supporting the story brilliantly are Colin Firth and Stanley Tucci. Tucci has been in so many great movies over the years that it’s no surprise to me that his acting moved me to tears. But when I think of Colin Firth (Hampshire’s own! He went to my daughter’s college!) my mind tends to skip over his dramatic roles in films like “The King’s Speech” and “A Single Man”. Instead, I tend to dwell on his lighter, fluffier roles, like “Bridget Jones” and “Mamma Mia”. As such, I forget what a truly great actor he is. And here, he hits it out of the park! With all the Covid release confusion, I’m not sure whether “Supernova” is up for awards next year, or whether it has been cruelly overlooked from last year’s awards. I truly hope it’s the former, since both men are at the peak of their craft here.
- The cinematography by Dick Pope is beautiful. To be fair, you could put a Super 8 camera in the Lake District on a sunny day and it would look great. But the camera work here makes it look its best.

Glorious cinematography from Dick Pope. (Source: BBC Films).
- Not really a negative for me, but it’s about as far away from an “action film” as you can get. “Fast and Furious 9” is showing next door! This is an extremely slow, character-led piece that won’t be for everyone.
- I wasn’t totally convinced by the symptoms shown. Early in the film, Tusker wanders off in a daze, but seems comparatively compos mentis for most of the rest of the film. Perhaps this is just my ignorance of the randomness and unpredictability of the disease (anyone in the know – please enlighten me).

Take a hankie. (Source: BBC Films).
Summary Thoughts on “Supernova”:
As is often the way with cinema, genre films can come along like London buses. First this month we had Anthony Hopkin’s Oscar-winning turn as a dementia sufferer in “The Father“, and now “Supernova” appears. This takes a different approach to the subject. Not as flashy or clever. But no less effective at portraying the tragedy that this wretched disease wreaks with relationships, often making them a living hell.
Having straight actors play gay characters will no doubt provoke the usual outcry from the cancel culture. But if it’s good acting – and it is a masterclass from the two leads in my book – such that you BELIEVE the story, then that’s the whole point of the craft.
Like “The Father“, this is a tough watch. I felt pretty well emotionally wrung-out by the end of it. But, it was well worth the wait in my book.
The trailer for “Supernova” is here – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRz2hY6ykGE.