Trumbo-posterMost countries have dark parts in their history, and America is no exception. Did you know for example that eugenics was actively practiced in the US during the 1920’s and 30’s?  Not going as far as the gas chambers of Nazi Germany, but getting pretty close in some institutions where “imbeciles and defectives” were allegedly quietly euthanased or forcibly sterilised to cleanse the gene pool. 

Another equally dark period of history were the McCarthy witch hunts in the post WW2 period, and that is the topic that “Trumbo” focuses on.

Dalton as a bit old to join the scouts, but the induction went without a hitch.

In a true story, Dalton Trumbo (Bryan Cranston) was a successful Hollywood screenwriter  (including “Roman Holiday”, “Exodus” and “Spartacus”) who was also a communist. Together with nine other colleagues, this “Hollywood Ten” collectively decide to take a First Amendment stand against the questioning, under subpoena, of the ‘House Committee on Un-American Activities’. This lack of cooperation gets them black-listed from working in Hollywood, which removes their livelihoods. 

Frank King sense and more (‘B’ movies). John Goodman as the movie churner.

Stoking the fire is bile-filled journalist Hedda Hopper (Helen Mirran), trying her best at every opportunity to subvert their own subversion of working around the blacklisting.

Helen Mirren as the vicious pap Hedda Hopper. Bile at the bar.

The film is a fascinating insight into a period of movie history I knew nothing about.  Famous actors such as John Wayne, Ronald Reagan, Edward G Robinson and Kirk Douglas pop up on different sides of the fence, sometimes as impersonations (the best one being Dean O’Gorman’s uncanny impersonation of Kirk Douglas) and sometimes from original stock footage.

“No, I’m Spartacus!” – Dean O’Gorman, dimple and all, as the spit of Kirk Douglas.

Cranston was Oscar nominated for the role of Trumbo, and he is very good indeed as the larger than life character. But there are a number of other very compelling performances worthy of note:  Michael Stuhlbarg (“A Serious Man”) is great as the conflicted Edward G Robinson;  and Elle Fanning (“Super 8”), younger sister of Dakota, is once again fantastic as Trumbo’s eldest daughter – having more to put up with than just the teenage hormones.

“Hey, how do you get an Oscar nomination Bryan”. “Just keep doing what you’re doing kid”. The talented Elle Fanning.

Overall though, while it is an educational piece, the film is rather stodgy in places and lacks passion for its subject. The only point for me when the film reached its dramatic potential was the angry bathroom scene between Cranston and Fanning. Rather disappointing, given my expectations.

Fad Rating: FFF

But What Did You Think?  Do You Agree With My Rating And Comments?  Please Let Me Know By Commenting Below! 

By bobwp

Dr Bob Mann lives in Hampshire in the UK. Now retired from his job as an IT professional, he is owner of One Mann's Movies and an enthusiastic reviewer of movies as "Bob the Movie Man". Bob is also a regular film reviewer on BBC Radio Solent.

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